Naafiri is receiving a midscope rework
The League of Legends 25.6 Patch Notes is out. According to the official schedule the game's developers provided, Patch 25.6 is set to be released on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The patch introduces a Naafiri midscope rework, as well as champions and system adjustments. Find also buffs to several champions in competitive games and solo queue, such as Fiora, Xin Zhao, Poppy or Lillia, and nerfs on Caitlyn, Darius, Garen or Ezreal.

- Champions: Fiora, Jarvan IV, Jhin, Kai'sa, Kha'Zix, Lillia, Lucian, Poppy, Smolder, Twisted Fate, Xin Zhao
- Item: Warmog's Armor
- Champions: Caitlyn, Corki, Darius, Draven, Ezreal, Garen, Jinx, Karma, Yorick
- Champions: Gwen, Master Yi, Naafiri, Singed
- System: Anti-Lane Swap, Bounty Suppression
- Item: Serylda's Grudge
Riot's Reasoning behind these changes
Read more about League of Legends changes on the X account of Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison.
First Stand Commentary
- Standard lanes with the lane swap changes have been looking good, and we're looking to pull it back a bit this patch to further reduce impact to solo queue
- As mentioned yesterday, after the micropatch, impact is very low, but we're still interested in pursuing long term more elegant solves to this
- Most games have been Ruinous Atakhan which has been a welcome change, but we think we can get a little more Voracious into some of those slow games
- This patch comes with a rotation to some of the meta present ADC's, Corki, Ezreal in particular for high MMR and Caitlyn, Jinx
- Ezreal and Corki have been dominant in particular for a while and small taps to each of them will put the meta in a better spot; we're not looking at large nerfs to any particular champion, just small nudges
Jungle Meta
- Jungle has also been shaken up a lot from Darius entering the meta; we're not looking to remove him from here, but just to tap him down a bit
- For Xin and J4 buffs in particular, these champs might "feel strong" but aren't particularly supported by their actual performance metrics. As a result, we're giving them light taps up to better align those 2
- Kha'Zix just seems bad, so we're giving him a bump up
- For a while now, Gwen has been a very heavily backloaded scaling champion and we're intending to move her more towards being a lightly scaling champion to give her a bit more agency in the early game and reduce some of the frustrating cases of getting one shot later in the game at very high HP by her ult (with Passive)
- We think this will both make Gwen more fun to play and also more fun to play against
- There are some small adjustments to Singed to make him feel better to play, in particular having him feel less bad about interacting with waves and feeling less need to proxy in order to farm successfully (through mainly guaranteeing last hits of poisoned targets)
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